VINS Ambassador teaches children about birds of prey.
802 Reptiles teaches us all about snakes.
ACC incorporates regular enrichment opportunities as part of our programming. While we do not regularly take field trips, we arrange for special opportunities to come to ACC.
Our beautiful, nature-rich playground and the “back woods” behind the school allows for children to explore and learn about wild life, nature, and ecosystems. Some of our teachers are wild life experts, which provides additional fun fact sharing and heightened wildlife exploration!
We incorporate music into our classroom curriculum and routines. Children learn different songs and movements.The children broaden their understanding of music by exploring instruments, sounds, volumes, and different musical genres. They also learn that music often makes tasks and transitions more enjoyable!
We offer movement. The children practice yoga, dancing, climbing, and jumping. We have two gross motor spaces, which allow for big-body movement, even on cold or rainy days! On our playground, we have slack lines, a tree climber, and a balance bridge. Through movement, children learn how their bodies move, they improve coordination and balance, and they get a jump start on leading a healthy lifestyle. Our yoga practices allow children to learn to center and ground their energy, while honoring the peaceful movements of others.
We cook! Some cooking activities are for play and experimentation, but some follow recipes and help provide tasty snacks for the center. Cooking activities help children learn math, cooperation, turn taking, and patience!
We plant a garden each spring. Children learn about the life cycle of plants, cultivation techniques, and they learn about food sourcing. The children also practice important caretaking skills and gain a strong sense of self in growing vegetables and herbs to share with family, friends, and the animals in the woods.
Finally, we invite community members to share their special talents and skills. We have had visits from an F-16 Pilot, local and state police, local physicians, a race car driver, the fire department, the Champlain Water District, VINS, and the hybrid compost truck. If you are a community member who wants to share you skills and talents with our children, please reach out to accvermont@gmail.com.